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RYE, NY 10580

 • Chester Hill Dentistry • 

February 6, 2024
9 monthsago

Every person has a feature they don’t love and, for many people, it’s their smile. Unlike the rest of your body, which isn’t always easy to sculpt into the shape you want, you can learn to love your smile by investing in just the right kind of cosmetic dentistry. Bonus – when you love yourself, others will love you and your oh-so-kissable smile too.

You Don’t Like the Color of Your Teeth

There are several ways to change the color of your teeth using cosmetic dentistry, but the two most common options fall on opposite ends of the smile makeover spectrum in effort and budget:

  • Teeth whitening: Professional teeth bleaching is a powerful option that transforms smiles instantly. Either an in-office or take-home whitening solution is applied and the formula dramatically whitens tooth enamel so that teeth look better than ever. The treatment can take as little as an hour to complete, creating that love-at-first-sight feeling.
  • Porcelain veneers: Some people with stains or discolored teeth cannot benefit from teeth whitening. Their tooth enamel simply cannot be whitened with bleach. In cases like this, porcelain veneers are the best choice. Veneers are customized in size, shape, and color and fitted over unsightly teeth to create a natural-looking smile makeover. Not only do veneers correct the shade of your teeth, it fixes every other aesthetic imperfection too.

Your Teeth Are Crooked

Crooked teeth and Invisalign go hand in hand in today’s modern dentistry world. Unlike conventional orthodontics that make themselves known through their brackets and wires, Invisalign trays are completely clear and nearly invisible, designed for adults who want straight teeth without the adolescent angst of braces.

Depending on the complexity of your misalignment, treatment could take about one year (the average). Some patients need only six to nine months of tweaking the position of their teeth to get them in just the right position, while patients with more severe problems require longer than 12 months. No matter how it happens, though, Invisalign treatment is discreet, efficient, and incredibly powerful. You can smile more while you’re changing your smile and no one will be any wiser. What’s not to love?

Your Teeth Are Breaking Down

Dental work does age. Though modern dentistry lasts for decades, eventually we outlive that timeline and sometimes you need to upgrade your teeth. For example, if you have deteriorating fillings, talk to your dentist about porcelain crowns to correct the compromised tooth. Sometimes, a new filling isn’t big enough to fix the problem and a more robust crown is necessary. In fact, a crown can six many broken-down teeth and deliver a new, healthy, strong smile with longevity.

If you’re having a hard time loving your teeth, find the spark again. Schedule a consultation at Chester Hill Dentistry and talk to the dental team to find out what kind of cosmetic dentistry will make your smile more lovable.

Are you looking for a Rye NY Dentist? Visit Chester Hill Dentistry in Portchester, Westchester NY with Dr. Chi Fu today! Serving the areas of Port Chester NY, Rye Brook NY, Greenwich CT and beyond!